If there's one thing that connects the world, its social media. If you want your business to make it anywhere, whether it's a local shop or a large corporate, it needs a social media presence. Here are 3 reasons why you need a social media presence today:  



Here are 3 reasons why you need a social media presence today:


1. Branding


Branding is the most important factor in creating a successful business. Branding can change how people perceive you and drive new business and brand awareness. Social media provides an excellent platform for your company to inject your logo or motto into their minds by emerging your business onto their newsfeed! Facebook is very powerful when it comes to this sort of thing. You can select exactly what countries, genders, ages and interests you want your audience to have. A recognised brand is a trusted brand. 


2.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Social media can also determine where your business shows up in the Google rankings. An active account on Facebook or Twitter has a higher chance of ranking higher than one without any social media activity. SEO helps your website get attention and visits when people are searching on Google. The more active and consistent you are, the more likely you are to rank high in Google.  


3. Provide Support


Facebook and Instagram are particularly good at providing business to customer messaging platform. This saves having to find the companies website and send them an email with your enquiry or complaint. With these platforms, you can now simply go onto the companies page and flick them a message, then most likely receive a reply within the next hour or so. 66% of people trust a business more after receiving a message from them through social media.