Last week I wrote about the importance of branding, with online branding one of the key elements is content marketing. This is the act of crafting and communicating a key aspect of your company or a business message through a digital medium.

Now, we have recommended to all of our clients that they undertake a continuous, high quality content marketing strategy but many seem to lose steam far too early. The benefits are generally not instantaneous, here is why keeping up your content marketing strategy is key:

1. Building Brand Awareness

New content continuously added and shared to potential customers helps build brand awareness. Even if the visitor does not read the entire piece you’ve written, your company name and what you offer will potentially stick in the back of their mind if they come across your content enough times.

2. Show you are an Expert

If you have appropriate, high quality content that shares your insights into your services or products, that helps build a sense of trust. When a user is comparing your site to your competitors, if you appear more knowledgeable that can give you a big advantage in converting those users.

3. Answer Questions Before they are Asked

The best way to help ensure conversions is by leaving no potential service or product question unanswered. The more information you give on your company and what you offer, the more likely you are to sell.

4. Keep the Website Current and Trustworthy

Updated and current content of any kind shows that your business is still open for business and is legitimate. While that may seem like no big deal, online users tend to make decisions far more impatiently and if they do not trust your website because it is outdated, you could lose a sale.

5. Helps In Many Ways for SEO

One way Google measures where your website should rank is by not only looking at the content on your site, it also looks at how often you post. It picks up the keywords within the text, so ensure the content is relatable to your business , it also monitors the frequency of your new content contributions, those who post the most, do achieve higher rankings. However, it will not help if your writing is rubbish or has too many keywords (otherwise known as keyword stuffing), so ensure your content is high quality!

Good luck! If you need any advice or would like to chat contact me here